Saturday, October 4, 2008

Nintendo shoot
We shot some destruction-filled Nintendo spots in Riverside, CA yesterday. Shredders shredded, anvils crushed, and steamrollers rolled.

Nintendo shoot
Of course Steve will teach the actor and the stunt coordinator how to properly operate a steamroller. Our 2nd unit camera operator got dangerously close to receiving a face full of metal during this setup. Also, our DP, Marc Ritzema will probably need a tetanus shot after yesterday. 

Nintento shoot

First we dropped an anvil, 20 minutes later we dropped a fridge.  


Our art director, Mike Beamer, made some really beautiful sketches.


The day was so busy that I forgot to apply any sunscreen, so for like, the 10th shoot in a row, I ended up with a radioactive sunburn. Shouldn't I have a sweet California tan by now?