Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Yes, she takes a lot of pictures.
But did I mention that she also speaks a little Chinese?
And that she knows almost every tree in our neighborhood by its proper name?
And that she can do a dead-on impression of Hillary Clinton?

Did I mention that she can dance really well when she's a little tipsy?
And that she genuinely appreciates Dizzee Rascal?
And that she has a preoccupation with unsettling historical details? Like Howard Hughes' OCD. Or the Donner Party. Or Van Gogh's chlamydia.

Did I mention that she paints surprisingly well, especially on the backs of old paper grocery bags?
And that kids and animals adore her?
And that old men do double- sometimes triple- takes when she walks by?

Did I mention that she's brave? Even in the face of really bad odds?
And that she never gives up, because she's unwaveringly stubborn?
And that she has integrity, and grace, and a quiet dignity that makes everyone around her a little less afraid to be a little more sincere?

And yes, she takes lots and lots of pictures.